Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bush's last desperate act

President Bush's decision to escalate the war in Iraq is a last desperate act of a stubborn, dysfunctional, delusional, disingenuous and narrow-minded belligerent who deep down knows full well that he's going down in infamy.

What more evidence of that is needed than the nonsense we heard him speak last night in his announcement to the world of his decision to escalate the war. There couldn't possibly be one soul on earth, not even his mother, who really thought ahead of time that he was going to do the right thing and not escalate the misery, death and destruction being wrought daily by his folly.

Bush is done. Over. Spent. And someday in the not too distant future, maybe as he looks into the mirror while shaving, that realization will seep into his conscience. But in the meantime, many folks will have their lives violently taken from them as a direct result of his incompetence.

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