Thursday, October 19, 2006

Americans United on Campus

I'm pleased to see that Americans United for Church and State has launched a new web site for college and high school students. Americans United on Campus, provides updates on relevant student church-state issues, access to nationally renowned speakers and the ability to utilize resources such as program ideas and action alerts. Student groups associated with AU are listed on the site, and a thorough (41 pages!) "Campus Organizing Manual" for student leaders is also available there for downloading.

Americans United,
a non-sectarian, non-partisan religious freedom advocacy group, has for nearly 60-years now promoted and defended the separation of church and state. (The term "separation of religion and state " would be a more accurate, much less confusing term, and might not be as troublesome to Christians as "church and state," which can imply that there is some sort of a vendetta oppressing Christianity. See Introduction to the Principle of Separation of Church and State.)

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